Daily Archives: 22. juli 2015

Vacation is synonymous with the collection! Collection of memories, and then mostly good memories. This summer I have collected many, but one is more special than the others. A memory for contemplation, wonder and joy - a memory that makes sense to share further. Yes indeed something I am committed to providing further.

We stayed in an apartment on a farm near Lake Constance. There were a total of seven holiday flats on the farm. It lived German families in the other six. Everyone was friendly, polite and easy to get in touch with. Particularly two families, who were there together, we got familiar with.

One night as we sat outside and grilled together, it was so that one of the wife and I got to ride a bit for ourselves and talk. What she then said to me, was something that was not meant only for me but for all Norwegians. I can not reproduce the conversation verbatim, but I will try to render it as truthful and straight as I can manage.

Anna and I had talked about this and that. Anna became suddenly a little more quiet. She looked down, and I sensed that she was searching for words. When she turned to me, I got a little startled, for her face had a mournful puffs and her eyes were full of tears.

"It's something I want to tell you that it's very important for me to say," she said quietly. "Some time ago I read a book. This book touched me. Yes, in fact so strong that I decided that if I got into a conversation with someone from Norway, I would use this opportunity to apologize. "She put a hand on my shoulder, and said strong and determined:" Excuse! On behalf of Germany, I must apologize for all the things we did to you during the war. It is so painful for me to think that we were so cruel to you! "

I became dumbfounded! I had not expected this . I wanted to say that there was nothing to forgive. She was not part of the war. Nor was I. What did I have to forgive? But I felt her hand on my shoulder and noticed how important this was for her. "We live in a time of forgiveness and reconciliation," I replied. "It happened, we can not do anything about the incident, but that's history now. Something we shall leave behind us. "

I saw that my words made her well. Then she told about the book. It involved a Norwegian woman who had fallen in love with a German soldier. It turned out that this man was a Jew, which literally was crucial to keep hidden. The book depicted their history, but also how the Germans had behaved toward Norwegians during the war. Anna had been shocked by what she read about how the Germans had taken their place. They had occupied the houses and farms, stolen food, forced Norwegians to work for them, and used threats and violence. At school they had learned about the war, on where the Germans had been and what had happened, but not how they had behaved.

"War is always horrible," I said. "War leads moreover that bad people often get wide latitude. But it was also painful for many of the young German soldiers who were forced into the war. Grandma was one of those who were forced to wash for German soldiers. A German department had occupied the largest farm in the parish. She told me that many of the young soldiers were very unhappy about having to be there. Several of them were no more than 16 years. One evening she had finished the job and should go home, came a drunken Germans after her.

The road went through a forest, and it was evident that he had not honest intentions. Grandmother was small and derision, but with the bone in the nose. She had turned against him - a great and strong soldier - and taunted him all she was good for. Finally, she had said: "If you want to shoot me, then you can do it now, but something else you do not get from me!" Then she turned from him and went, - convinced that her last hour had come. The soldier fired. What he hit she did not know, but he did not hit her. If he missed because he was drunk, or if he just shot in midair is not easy to know. But the other soldiers at the farm had heard the shot, and when he came back, they were sure that he had done something bad against grandma, so they beat him up. They knocked him properly !! "

Anna laughed at me. "He got what he deserved!" "Yes," I replied. "And it shows that many Germans also had its heart in the right place. As a teacher I know that in a class, it is often the troubled pupils who get the most attention and become talked most about, but the MOST is both kind and conscientious. They're just not as much seen and discussed. War is cruel. Also what happened in Norway during World War II created a lot of pain for many innocent. It is difficult to understand how people can be so evil against one another, but we live in a time where we should be allowed to put this behind us. We will carry with us the lessons, but go ahead. "

We got the chanse to talked a lot that night. It surprised me how little Anna knew before about what had happened during the war, but I was really touched by the strong guilt she carried. A burden that was not really her. I would therefore, for Anna's sake bring her words widens, to all Norwegians:

"Forgive us for all the evil we did to you during the war. I'm so sorry - so very sorry for all the pain we brought into your life! "

Who am I? A grain of sand on the beach! A drop in the ocean! A insignificance! One of a thousand? No less! One in a million? No, even less! One of a billion then? No! Less than that too. Am I nothing? Only a zero?

Yes, in terms of the world's standards, I am nothing! I live. I'm dying. And then I'm gone. But am I just an insignificant? No fortunately not. In summer we visited Ravensbourg; the town with all the puzzles. Of course I had to find a store that sold the products with the blue mark on the corner. On the side of the shelf it hung a supervisor with an explanation of the different types of puzzles. The puzzle for the smallest had few and large pieces. For those somewhat older, were the pieces smaller and several, and for the elders the pieces was small and numerous.

So I think it is with us humans too. For our families, we are big, important pieces, - just as they are important for us. Among friends and colleagues, we are smaller chips, but still important. In the community we are part of we are justst mall pieces. When you opens a puzzle with 10,000 pieces, and there is much blue sky there to put together, then many of the pieces seem identical. There is still only one that fits in every place and every piece must be there for the picture to be complete.


I AM therefore important! I have a place to fill among men. But even bigger and more important am I to God. Even if all the people who have lived from the creation of, are more than it is possible to count, - I'm - even tiny little me - a person who is seen and loved by Him who is above everything and everyone!

How poor you are, you who do not believe that God exists! Even if God would not exist (something I am convinced that he is) will still my BELIEVE that he exist make me richer than those who do not believe. There is a great wealth in getting to know that I am loved by the One who created heaven and earth! To be allowed to be in His care who holds the world in his hand. Gaining to be surrounded by his love, who gave his own life for to give me LIFE!

I am NOT a zero! I am God's precious's eye!

In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his son to be the propitiatin for our sins.

1Jo 4:9-10


Hvem er jeg? Et sandkorn på stranden! En dråpe i havet! En ubetydelighet! En av tusen? Nei mindre! En av en million? Nei, enda mindre! En av en milliard da? Nei! Mindre enn det også. Er jeg da ingenting? Bare et null?

Ja, målt i verdens målestokk, så er jeg det! Jeg lever. Jeg dør. Og så er jeg glemt. Men er jeg bare en ubetydelighet? Nei heldigvis ikke. I sommer var vi innom Ravensbourg; puslespillenes by. Selvfølgelig måtte jeg finne en butikk som solgte produktene med det blå merket på hjørnet. På siden av hyllen hang det en veileder med bilde og forklaring til ulike typer puslespill. Puslespillene for de minste hadde få og store biter. For de litt eldre, var bitene mindre og flere, og for de eldste var bitene små og mange.

Slik tenker jeg det er med oss mennesker også. For familiene våre er vi store, viktige brikker, - på samme måte som de er det for oss. Blant venner og kollegaer er vi mindre brikker, men likevel viktige. I samfunnet vi er en del av er vi små brikker. Når en åpner et puslespill med 10 000 brikker, og det er mye blå himmel der som skal settes sammen, så kan mange av brikkene virke helt like. Det er likevel bare èn som passer på hvert sted, og hver eneste en må være med for å bildet skal bli komplett.


Jeg ER altså viktige! Jeg har en plass å fylle blant menneskene. Men enda større og viktigere er jeg i Guds øyne. Selv om menneskene som har levd fra skapelsen av, er flere enn det er mulig å telle, - så er jeg - bittelille JEG - et menneske som er sett og elsket av Ham som er over alt og alle!

Hvor fattig du er, du som ikke tror at Gud er til! Selv om Gud ikke skulle finnes (noe jeg er overbevist om at han gjør) så vil likevel TROEN min på at han finnes gjøre meg rikere enn den som ikke tror. Tenk å få kjenne seg elsket av Ham som har skapt himmel å jord! Å få være i Hans omsorg som holder verden i sin hånd. Å få være omsluttet av Hans kjærlighet, som gav sitt eget liv for å gi meg LIVET!

Jeg er IKKE et null! Jeg er Guds dyrebare øyensten!

 Og ved dette ble Guds kjærlighet åpenbart blant oss,
at Gud sendte sin enbårne Sønn til verden
for at vi skulle leve ved ham.

10 Ja, dette er kjærligheten, ikke at vi har elsket Gud,
men at han har elsket oss
og sendt sin Sønn til soning for våre synder.

Joh1.  kap4


France is a beautiful country with many attractions, beautiful buildings, charming towns and smiling, beautiful people. But for us hopeless Norwegians who can not otherwise in French than "Sorti," it is almost impossible to both make ourselves understood and to understand what they are trying to say to us. Even young Frenchmen can barely say a whole sentence in either English or German.

This summer we were a few days in Strasbourg. A very beautiful city that deserves an honorable mention for its many beautiful buildings, canals, bridges, street life, shops, restaurants, hotels .... But oh - so hard it was to get into a conversation with people there !!

When we sat at home and googled a bit about the city, we found that it was a bilingual city since it was located entirely at the German border - but we could not notice that. Either we asked for directions, was in a store and asked for something special, or we would have explained something on a menu, then it was just a lot of stuttering! Olav is good in speaking German, and I am able to speak English quite well, but this mixture of French, German and English that were presented to us, went far above our heads to understand! And the strangest was that also the young Frenchmen, had big problem with speaking other languages.

The great cathedral in Strasbourg was artistically illuminated after it became dark.

But there was no lack of willingness to talk. Whether we shook our heads, hoisted our shoulders, or did some other sign that we did not understand, I think they thought, that if they just used even more words, then we would understand! Something we did NOT !!

Well, well ... To spend a holiday in France can be exciting in many ways. It is a beautiful country, and lots of nice people, but I think I will wait to go back there until there is invented an app that can translate recordings of languages!

Brainwashing is being told one thing for so long and so many times that we believe in it, even if it's not true. No matter how strong psyche we have, I think nobody will be insensitive of being exposed to this form of influence over the long haul.

I myself have been a victim of brainwashing!

Ever since I was young, I've been told that I'm too fat! Not by my family. Not by my friends. They have never expressed anything other than that I am just as I should be. Nevertheless ...

All advertising - absolutely ALL commercials tell me something about how I should look! Commercials for shoes, toothpaste, car, rail, insurance ... Whatever is advertised, then it is slim, beautiful models that shows off things - and that simultaneously says something about how I should look. We reserved us against unaddressed advertising in the mailbox, but what does it help when advertising is everywhere! Television, magazines, newspapers, internet, signs along the road ...

There is two things that is impossible: 1. To say that I will not expose myself for advertising! 2. To believe that I can avoid being influenced by advertising! I am not AGAINST advertising, but I am saddened by what it has done with me.

I want to be pleased with myself. Being able to think that I'm OK though my waistline does not swing inward. That having a "car tire" around the stomach does not make me ugly - but when I EVERY DAY, wherever I look, are faced with impressions that says: You ARE too thick! Then it becomes difficult not to believe it myself.

Fruen på bruen

I've always had a few kilos too much compared to what the world around me tells me that I should, and most days circles some thought around in my head which is about dieting. I am fed up having it this way. I want to protest, but do not know who I could protest against. The promo is here to stay. There's nothing I can do about that.

I will use the method I have used many times before, the one who gets the monsters under the bed to disappear, - namely, to "turn on the light!" Putting words on what is difficult, can be a good way to put holes in painful balloons which grows inside the heart. So now I say to myself and to the whole world:

"I am NOT fat, I'm actually just the right size, what I intend to continue to be!!